Just because something looks cool doesn’t mean it’s right for your meeting. An 84’ wide screen is a sure way to create a dynamic set but if you don’t understand the content aspect, you may end up disappointed in the outcome. Not to mention spending the money for something you didn’t use to its fullest potential.

With the right content, you can take advantage of many different creative set designs. But there are important factors to keep in mind when choosing the size of the screen or how many screens you may need.
For example, a 16:9 screen aspect ratio is considered standard these days and most presentations are created in this format. But if you like the look of a single wide screen, you will need to learn about the various aspect ratios to understand how this affects the formatting of your content. Not only for pre-production but also if you plan to repurpose your content for use on the web or in a different environment where the content is shown on a smaller screen or monitor.

An 84’ wide by 14’ tall screen has an aspect ratio of 6:1. If you create content to fill this size screen, the result is very impressive. However, if you view the same 6:1 content on your computer monitor, it will resemble a film strip – super wide and very short. Suddenly it’s not as impressive anymore. Video content can be reformatted to play on a standard screen or monitor but this requires time and additional cost so keep that in mind when budgeting.
Understanding the use of space with a wide screen is very important when creating your PowerPoint or Keynote presentations as well. The canvas is much larger, so you want to be sure your content supports the space and vice versa. One way to fill the space is to create a slide template that uses design elements to create a frame for the content of each slide. This will help keep your content uniform from one slide to the next, and this is just one example of many different design styles. A Graphic Designer can help you with formatting and also offer complete content design and creation depending on the individual need.

So, before you fall in love with one screen, two screens, or a wide screen, let your content be your guide. The end result will enhance the overall outcome of your meeting for a better ROI and give your audience a memorable meeting experience.
.... Julie Donahue - Multimedia-Events Producer and Chocoholic at AVmedia