When You travel to a foreign country, it’s expected of you to learn a few key phrases. “Hello, my name is”, “Where is the...”, “How much?”. Some helpful phrases to help you better navigate your new surroundings. But when it comes to organizing an event, How well do you speak A/V?
The technology utilized during an event varies between each event and event location. To best achieve the specific look and sound you’re hoping for, it’s good to learn the lingo. With that in mind, here are five key A/V industry terms that every meeting and event planner should know.
IMAG, otherwise known as image magnification, makes it so the little person you may struggle to see on stage appear larger than life on the screen. In a large session you most certainly want your Keynote Speaker or panelists to be seen by all.
Additionally, it’s best to always add a second camera for variety. Honestly, it can get a little tiresome watching someone pace back and forth on stage, and so to have another angle, your audience is more likely to be engaged.
Video Mapping
Video mapping comes in two forms. The first is 2D or 2-dimensional video mapping. Simply put, 2D video mapping is projecting images onto a flat wall. 3D video mapping is using a projector to paint images, video, etc. on a not-so-standard surface with lots of edges, angles and dimensions – picture Disney’s video show on Cinderella’s castle.

DSM is an abbreviation for a Down Stage Monitor or a “confidence screen”. Whether a monitor is used on the floor or flown, it faces the stage allowing the presenter to see his or her notes or presentation to confidently deliver a presentation. The presenter is able to stay focused while facing towards the audience as opposed to looking over his or her shoulder to view a screen.
“Get on COMM” is a phrase you might hear your crew saying to one another but don’t be alarmed, this is a phrase your dedicated technicians may say in order to get their team members talking. The COMM is a system, either wired or wireless, that the front and back of house crew member will utilize to communicate with one another.
In the back of the house, typically behind the set, you’ll find a “video village” or what looks like a few monitors and other devices. This is a necessary part of any production and might include positions such as the video engineer, projectionist, graphics operators, etc. These folks are the eyes behind the production.
At the front of house (the technicians you see behind the rows and rows of banquets tables) are your audio and lighting techs, and a show producer. This team needs to see what the audience sees.
So rather than run back and forth to communicate, your technicians, both front and back of house, communicate through COMM devices.

4K and HD
So maybe you don’t need to know all of the technical jargon, but 4k and HD are certainly trendy terms that can have you spending more money than may be necessary. HD (high definition) equates to 1920 x 1080 pixels. Picture the time when our TVs all became flatscreens, I.e. HD. Now we have 4k UHD (ultra-high definition) and you guessed it, provides a much clearer and more detailed picture than the standard HD. Your local movie theater images can now be viewed in native 4K (4096 x 2160) resolution, however the consumer format is slightly lower at UHD 3840 x 2160 (3840 pixels).
4k is a great new technology to be used, note that this is an instance where content matters. 4k is only necessary if you have the appropriate content. Knowing the difference will ensure you receive the most bang for your buck.
In the end, though the technical jargon can seem a bit superfluous, it can help to save you a lot of valuable time and money. So if having a great event, with very little headache, and at a low price sounds appealing, start brushing up on your technical vocabulary now.

Your event is a reflection of your brand and company culture, so take this opportunity to design the best experience and leave a lasting impression. For questions or assistance with your next big event, feel free to reach out to our AVmedia family.